Food Blogs now in

It has been ten months now. I just haven’t been able to formally announce it here, until now.

Lets Go Sago! is now a Travel & Adventure Blog
Let's Go Sago! is now a Travel & Adventure Blog

I was looking at Sago’s Facebook Fanpage earlier and I realized that the feeds of my food blog is still published there.

Prior to Septembet 9, 2009, I noticed my increased number of food posts which led me to think that my travel blog readers might be missing the travel posts or the travel stories are simply getting dilluted.

So I decided to open a new blog – – to serve as a niche blog exclusive for food related posts. And eversince, Lets Go Sago! concentrated on travel posts.

Not to say that we will not be posting food blogs here, travel and food are actually a close mix as travelers tend to try the local food cuisines of the places they go to. This was actually one the reasons why Lets Go Sago! was intially created as a travel and food blog.

Lets Go Sago! Facebook Fanpages Last Food Blog Prompt
Let's Go Sago! Facebook Fanpage's Last Food Blog Prompt

We will still have some food related stories here, but not so often anymore.

I choose the term “NomNom” because it’s an internet slang for ‘eating‘, hence “nomnomnom” remarks you usually find in chatrooms or anime captions/thought bubbles. The “Club” represents my continuing experiment on developing a food community composed of foodies, bloggers and non-bloggers alike, and food industry players as well.

So my dear readers, If you are a foodie as well, feel free to support and separately subscribe to as well. In its feeds, NomNomClub Facebook Fanpage, and even the club which is open to the internetdom.

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