An Impromptu Tagaytay Trip

Before yesterday, my upcoming out of town trip would have been towards Davao this April 30 for the Davao Food Appreciation Tour. [caption id="" align="alignleft"...

Win Havaianas Flip-Flop USBs

Have you read about my recent post on joining the Happy Sole campaign and flying to Brazil? [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="164" caption="Havaianas USB"][/caption] Well, here's...

Be A Happy Sole, Fly To Brazil!

“Happy Soles Will Travel to Brazil.” Say what? It's like "Be Happy, Stay Wealthy." Say again? [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Havaianas Happy Sole Brazil"][/caption] Okay,...

New Year, New Resolutions

Coming up with's New Year Resolution contest was actually an accident. Being a food & travel blog (food articles can now be found at...

And The Starbucks Planner 2010 Winner is…

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Starbucks Planner 2010"][/caption] 1 blog contest, 25 days, 600+ comments. And now, the three winners getting Starbucks merchandises including a Starbucks...