‘Let’s Go Sago!’ is 1-Month-Old!

Let’s Go Sago! celebrates its first month anniversary today with a collection of celebrities’ & bloggers’ portraits with Sago. Find him in each of them!

Sago loves the camera and hopes to have more photo ops with other bloggers and celebrities in the future (perhaps for the bigger 1st year anniv collection?). He also hopes to share some link lovin’ with blogger friends in his sidebar’s ‘Hungry Links‘ (travel related)’, ‘Itchy Feet Links‘ (food related)’, and ‘Blingblinks Page’ (other non-food/travel).

Sago 1st Month Anniversary
Sago's 1st Month Anniversary

Sago want’s to express his gratitude to all those who assisted him set up this self-hosted site and answer his myriads of inquiries with regards to the technicalities of PHP, themes, widgets, SEO, ad placements and more.

Join us as we continue to explore the great outdoors and good food adventures. Let’s Go Sago!

*Will update this post on Wednesday with love links and identification of the mugshots blogger friends above. =) [busy-busyhan muna with other things pa]

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